Welcome to our school
At Haveley Hey community School we aim to:
Provide challenging learning experiences through a broad and balanced curriculum designed to meet the needs and talents of all
Create a secure, nurturing atmosphere where we can all work effectively, developing responsibility and resilience
Ensure a safe environment which is rich, varied and stimulating to develop learning and build ambition
Value parents/carers and the wider community as partners in the education process
Develop respect for ourselves and others and society as a whole
Parent Governor Vacancy
We currently have a parent governor vacancy. The letter and nomination form is attached below which explains the nomination and election process. This will also be posted on Class Dojo and paper copies will be given to children to take home.
If you are interested in the position and would like more information about the role, please leave your details at the main office and the Head of School will contact you.
Haveley Hey Community School is a Rights Respecting, Nurturing school!
Ofsted says:-
'This school continues to be good'
'The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school'
'High expectations are shared by leaders and staff'
'Pupils are polite and well mannered'
'Safeguarding is given a high priority' with 'robust systems in place'
Pupils said:-
they 'feel they have a valued input into the decisions that leaders make' and they 'feel safe in school'
Parents say:-
'This is a lovely school. Staff are very friendly and approachable, and my children are very happy at school'
Follow the link to get the full report https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/139263
If you require a paper copy of documents on the website please contact admin@haveleyhey.manchester.sch.uk