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Year 4


Your Class Teachers are Mrs Wallace and Mr Corcos

The Teaching Assistants are Miss Hutton and Miss Moss

Autumn 1- Energy

Autumn 2- The Romans

Spring 1- Natural Disasters

Spring 2 - The Anglo-Saxons and Scots

Summer 1- The Black Death

Summer 2- Megacities

You can find the knowledge organisers to each of these topics (as they are taught) at the bottom of this page.


It is Important that your child is in school every day.

We are trying to get 100% attendance every week, so please help by getting your child to school on time, every day. 

Learning Logs

As the term progresses, the children will recieve homework every Friday in their learning logs linked to what we are doing in class.

Please support your child with this and encourage them to research information to become independent learners.

If you need support with this please come and see me and I will be happy to explain the challenge set. 

Learning Logs will need to be returned the following Wednesday.


We will be doing at least 2 sessions of Physical Activity each week. One session wil be swimming on a Monday morning. The other session will alternate between games, gymnastics and dance on a Thursday. Correct PE kits will need to be in school every Thursday. 


Now the children are in year 4, they are using our Accelerated Reading scheme. The children are assessed online and given a 'Zone of Proximal Development' (ZPD).  It’s really important to try and get back into good habits with reading at home as this will have a positive impact across the curriculum.  We ask that children aim to read at least 4 times a week and that this is recorded in their reading record.  This should mostly be the book at their ZPD, although it is also fine for children to include some of the books they might read from home or the library.

When reading we encourage the use of different strategies. These can be found on our reading page here


Y4 have made a great start with the number of Dojo points so far this term already.  Points are awarded across the week when children are spotted showing rights respecting behaviour with the top 1st, 2nd and 3rd point scorers being recognised in school.  These points are reset each week so that everyone starts from the same point on a weekly basis.

Multiplication Tables

By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to know ALL of their multiplication facts to 12x12 as well as the corresponding division facts. Please support you child with learning these facts by giving them regular access to Times Table Rock Stars and helping them to complete their Times Table Passports. 

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Haveley Hey Community School

Nearbrook Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9NS